About Eudunda 85
Lodge Eudunda is a ‘blue’ or ‘craft’ Freemasons Lodge based in the City of Adelaide. We operate under the Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory.
Our meetings are on the third Friday of every second month, usually starting at 6.30pm and lasting about two hours. We then enjoy a meal together at a local restaurant or hotel.
We’re a bit less formal than many lodges, preferring jackets and ties over dinner suits and bowties. That being said, we operate our meetings in full Masonic regalia and pride ourselves on our strong Masonic culture.
Lodge Eudunda No.85 (or E85 as we call it) was consecrated on the 29th November 1918 in the village of Eudunda, located in the Barossa region of South Australia. At that time the area was a prosperous farming and mining community, however over the decades work opportunities shrunk and the lodge became no longer viable.
Instead of closing, a dedicated group of younger Freemasons volunteered to take it on to continue the pioneering philosophy on which the lodge was founded 93 years before.
We moved it to Adelaide in November 2011, modernising both the style of lodge and its culture, but carefully continuing the name and rich history which the lodge has built over the years.
Eudunda 85 History
Below is a copy of the speech given by WBro James Ehmann, on the occasion of the last lodge meeting to be held in Eudunda. James was the first Worshipful Master when the lodge moved to Adelaide. -
"The Young Freemasons Network (YFN) are proud to have reached an agreement with Eudunda Lodge No85, to assist them to keep the lodge running and prevent it’s closure. We relish this opportunity and have prepared a strategy that we hope will see the Lodge flourish in a new format.
Firstly we would like to acknowledge the hardwork and dedication it has taken from the members to maintain this lodge, and of course thank them for the chance they have afforded us. Like every life there are highs and lows, and we feel it is our privilege to assist Eudunda at this juncture and hopefully provide a secure future.
As a gesture of goodwill, we would like to offer all current members Honorary membership .
Eudunda Lodge has a proud and wonderful history over 93 years, it is our honour to be able to play a part in its next chapter.
The YFN will seek to retain as much of the history & traditions of the lodge, whilst building upon this to adapt and provide a format for modern Freemasonry.
We will seek to retain the jewels and ornaments of the lodge, as a reminder of our past. We will always be linked to our past and this will be a core part of the lodge moving forward. A proud past, with a new future.
We are reminded that 17 young men from Eudunda first petitioned Grand Lodge for a new warrant back in 1918, and feel there are many comparisons between us. They were 17 local men looking to advance Freemasonry in their area, they were no doubt energetic and exuberant, excited at the opportunities ahead of them.
We are 18 young men looking to begin a lodge that will provide a fresh format, and allow Freemasonry to flourish in a new way. We have been inspired by other such lodges both in Australia and overseas. All around us Freemasonry is adapting to meet the needs of men our age, we hope to only follow their lead.
We will look to make certain changes to the lodge, such as meeting in the city, and less often. Education, care, fraternity and a positive social culture will be hallmarks for us.
Rest assured however that we will uphold the landmarks of the order, we will not compromise the lodge either in ritual or in culture. We will seek to retain the finest traditions of Freemasonry and be a lodge of excellence.
Mission and Values.
Freemasonry has been part of South Australian and Northern Territory history since a group of men petitioned the Grand Lodge of England for a new lodge which would be based in what was to become South Australia. This enabled them to practice their Freemasonry and initiate others into the Lodge of Friendship No. 613.